Sunday 2 May 2010

JKLF-London meets with Prospective Parliamentary Candidate of labour party Gavin Shuker

Translated fro Urdu to English by Shabana Bashir

The meeting was headed by Professor Zafar Khan head of JKLF’s Diplomatic Committee

The panel of JKLF London had a formal meeting with Prospective Parliamentary Candidate of labour party Gavin Shuker which was headed by Professor Zafar Khan head of JKLF’s Diplomatic Committee and was attended by other senior members of JKLF including Raja Raouf Khan, Professor Muhammed Riaz, Haji Kaman Afsar, Syed Tehseen Gilani and others.

The panel updated Mr Shuker about latest issues in disputed kashmir and Prof Zafar Khan said that Britain and Labour party has to use their influence internationally in order to settle the issue of Kashmir by giving the Kashmiris their right of self-determination. He further said that it is Britain’s responsibility to sort this issue and hence suggested that Britain should take part in common wealth and pressurise India and Pakistan to give Kashmiris their birth right, right to self-determinate which is acceptable internationally. Mr Gavin Shker, reassured the panel that he will use his influence and raise the voice in British parliament to solve the issue of Kashmir peacefully and permanently.

JKLF-London meets with Prospective Parliamentary Candidate of labour party Gavin Shuker

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